Plant Trees While Browsing with Ecosia Search Engine

Plant Trees While Browsing with Ecosia Search Engine

How Can we do it?

A non-profit search engine called Ecosia uses the money it makes from advertising to plant trees.

What Is Ecosia?

When you use the online search engine, trees are planted in exchange for your queries. Consider them as an alternative to Google, Bing, or Yahoo where you can still access and browse the internet.

When German engineer Christian Froll had the idea to use search engine profits to support reforestation initiatives in some of the world's most endangered ecosystems, Ecosia was born.

Ecosia has expanded quickly since that time.

How Ecosia Works?

Like all search engines, Ecosia receives payment from advertisers to display advertisements above search results. The advertising company that is paying to have their ad displayed in the top spot pays the search engine when you or I click on one of these ads.

If you choose to click on one of these ads, 80% of the money paid (after costs are subtracted) will go toward planting trees.

This is the basis of every search engine online, and so far, everything seems normal.

Here Are Some Stats!

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Is Ecosia is Planting Trees?

Heare Are Before and After Images...


Security - Does Ecosia sell your information?


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